We invite you to become a student of the author’s course “Critical Thinking” / News / Media / President Academy
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We invite you to become a student of the author’s course “Critical Thinking”

We invite you to become a student of the author’s course “Critical Thinking”

On October 16, the Altai branch of the Presidential Academy launches a professional development program – an exclusive author’s course “Critical Thinking”.

The speakers are:

  • Igor Panarin, Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of Psychology and Sociology of Management, Director of the Altai Branch of RANEPA, author and developer of the course.
  • Irina Mikheeva, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology and Sociology of Management, Director of the Psychological Center of the Altai Branch of RANEPA, author and developer of the course.

The course is aimed at developing skills that allow to detect and “defuse” skillful manipulation, avoid errors in reasoning, human irrationality, prejudices, preconceptions, and distortions.

Developed critical thinking will help you:

  • identify problems and pose vital questions, formulating them clearly and precisely;
  • collect and evaluate information important for making decisions and fully understanding the problem;
  • recognize “dubious” data, distinguish between facts and assumptions, events and their interpretations;
  • correctly understand and use language to clearly and fully formulate your own ideas and thoughts;
  • interpret data using logical and unbiased thinking;
  • determine the quality of evidence and evaluate arguments;
  • effectively reach well-founded conclusions and decisions, testing them against relevant criteria and standards;
  • be open-minded, recognizing and evaluating probable and practical consequences;
  • formulate reliable judgments about specific things and properties in everyday life;
  • communicate effectively with others to develop solutions to complex problems.

The program lasts 48 academic hours. Meetings are held from 18:00 to 21:00 from Monday to Thursday.

To become a participant in the program, please, contact the Business School Center (Barnaul, Partizanskaya st., 187, room B403).

Contact person: Valentina Plotnikova, tel. 8 (3852) 502-832, 89132674979, email: biz-center@alt.ranepa.ru.

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